We are pleased to announce the 3rd Workshop on Field Experiments in Economics and Business. The workshop will be held on September 8-10, 2024, at the TUM Heilbronn Campus.
The purpose of the workshop is to bring together an international group of researchers who conduct field experiments in economics or business. Papers in the fields of education, health, labor, management, organization, personnel, or public economics are particularly welcome.
Please find the detailed call for papers down below.
Those who wish to participate in the conference are invited to submit extended abstracts or draft papers by email: experiments.gcfe@mgt.tum.de
Deadline is May 1, 2024.
Notifications about acceptance will be sent by June 1, 2024.
Travel fees will be reimbursed for active participants through TUM School of Management. The travel guidelines will be provided once the abstract/paper is accepted.
We have reserved rooms for the conference at the Insel-Hotel in Heilbronn.
Please make your reservation direct at the Insel-Hotel either by email via insel@insel-hotel.de or by phone via +49 7131 6300. Please mention the booking code: “Field Experiments in Economics and Business”. Please make your booking until June 30, 2024.
For administrative questions please contact the Center Administration of the Global Center for Family Enterprise at office.gcfe@mgt.tum.de.
1st Workshop Field Experiments in Economics and Business
TUM Campus Heilbronn
September 5-6, 2022
2nd Workshop Field Experiments in Economics and Business
DICE (Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics)
September 4-5, 2023