Welcome, to our website!
Our team is located at the TUM campus in Heilbronn. We conduct research in the area of corporate law. We especially focus on topics like European company law, comparative law, contract negotiations, contract governance, business networks, corporate governance, legal methodology as well as the economic analysis of law and empirical legal studies. Together with our colleagues from the Global Center for Family Enterprise (GCFE) we pay special attention to the perspective of family firms.
Curriculum vitae
Below selected recent and ongoing research topics will be presented.
European Company Law / Corporate Governance
Contract Negotiations
Contract Governance
Business Networks
Legal Methodology
We are looking forward to supervising your Doctoral, Master or Bachelor thesis in the area of corporate law or contract negotiation. We welcome interdisciplinary research projects.
Jung, S.: Acceptable Lies in Contract Negotiations, Journal of Dispute Resolution 2021, 255-295
Jung, S.: Das Rechtsgefühl im unternehmerischen Vertragsrecht, Rechtswissenschaft 2020, pp. 378-419
Jung, S.: Systemkrisen und das Institut der Störung der (großen) Geschäftsgrundlage – Eine Betrachtung
am Beispiel der Corona-Krise, JuristenZeitung 2020, pp. 715 -724
Jung, S.: §§ 313, 314 BGB in: Nomos Kommentar zum BGB, 4. ed. 2021 (ed. 2016 still in cooperation with Peter Krebs)
Jung, S.: Bluffing in Business-to-Business Contract Negotiations – The Relationship Between Moral Intuition, Rechtsgefühl and the Law in the United States and Germany in: Southern California Law Review 92 (2019), pp. 973-1001
Jung, S., Krebs, P., Stiegler S. (eds.): Gesellschaftsrecht in Europa. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2019, 2370 pages (Co-)author of 17 chapters, among others:
Jung, S., Krebs, P.: Die Vertragsverhandlung – taktische, strategische und rechtliche Elemente, Wiesbaden: Springer, 2016, 525 pages
Jung, S., Krebs, P. The Essentials of Contract Negotiation. Cham: Springer, 2019, 242 pages (short version of the German publication with additional chapters on intercultural negotiations.)
Jung, S., Krebs, P.: Claves para la negociación de contratos, Wolters Kluwer España, Madrid, 2021, 352 pages (translation of the English publication (updated version))
Jung, S., Krebs, P., Teubner, G. (eds.): Business Networks Reloaded, Baden-Baden: Ashgate/Nomos, 2015, 424 pages.
Co-author of 3 chapters, among others
Governance Structures of Business Networks, pp. 118-170 (in cooperation with Peter Krebs)
Jung, S., Societas Unius Personae (SUP) – The new corporate element in company groups, EBLR (European Business Law Review) 2015, S. 645-692
Jung, S., Die Kapitalverfassung der Societas Privata Europaea (SPE), 2014, LIT Verlag, Münster, 436 Seiten
A complete list of publications is available here.