Munich Papers in Political Economy

Aims & Scope

Munich Papers in Political Economy (MPPE) is a working papers series devoted to disseminating original theoretical and empirical research on topics at the intersection of economics, politics and policy, such as the political causes and consequences of economic phenomena, as well as the economic drivers of political behavior & institutions and the economic effects of public policies.  Individual and collective decision-making is thus equally within the scope of the MPPE as organizational behavior – and the rules and norms of the society within which economic behavior occurs.


We welcome papers on any Political Economy topic, particularly papers that address questions relevant to understanding – and effectively responding to – the economic, political, managerial, organizational, and societal challenges posed by innovation and technological change, as well as the resulting changes and transformational processes.


Contributions are invited from the international community of researchers. Manuscripts must be written in English.

Useful information

  • We invite submission from all researchers whose work fits the MPPE’s Aims & Scope.

    Please submit your paper to after checking the author guidelines below.

  • Papers shall be submitted in pdf or Word format. If Latex files are submitted, please make sure that all supplemental files are included. The editors will process papers and send them to the appropriate Associate Editor for review.


    Copyright and journal submissions:

    Papers published as Munich Papers in Political Economy remain the intellectual property of the author, and the author retains all copyrights. The purpose of the MPPE is to be an open-access source of research. While most academic journals do allow the submission of papers that have been previously published in working paper series, authors are advised to check the editorial policy of the journal to which they wish to submit.


    Submission checklist:

    Please ensure that your manuscript contains:

    • Contact details (e-mail address and full postal address) for the designated corresponding author.
    • A short abtract (~150 words)
    • 4-6 keywords
    • JEL codes



    Formatting style requirements:

    • Font size: 11 or 12 point
    • Text: 1.5 or double-spaced
    • Page layout: about 1-inch (2.54 cm) margins on all sides.
    • Pages should be numbered.
    • Consistent use of a standard Social Science citation style.


    Further considerations:

    • Manuscript should be ‘spell-checked’ and ‘grammar-checked’.
    • All references mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the text, and vice versa.
    • Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Internet).
    • A competing interests statement is provided, even if the authors have no competing interests to declare.
    • Inclusive language should be used throughout. Inclusive language acknowledges diversity, conveys respect to all people, is sensitive to differences, and promotes equal opportunities. We advise to seek gender neutrality by using plural nouns as default wherever possible to avoid using “he, she,” or “he/she.”
  • MPPE is jointly edited by the School of Management, the Hochschule für Politik, the School of Social Sciences and Technology, and the TUMCS for Biotechnology and Sustainability at the Technical University of Munich.




    Tim Büthe (TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology)

    Hanna Hottenrott (TUM School of Management)



    Editorial Board:


    Timm Betz (TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology)

    Sebastian Goerg (TUMCS for Biotechnology and Sustainability & TUM School of Management)

    Michael Kurschilgen (TUM School of Management)

    Amy Pond (TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology)

    Sebastian Schwenen (TUM School of Management)

    Janina Steinert (TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology)

    Matthias Uhl (TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology)



    Managing Editor:  Falk Bartscherer (TUM School of Management)




The Causal Impact of Gender Norms on Mothers’ Employment Attitudes and Expectations
Henning Hermes, Marina Krauß, Philipp Lergetporer, Frauke Peter, Simon Wiederhold

MPPE No. 02/2025 (January)


Economic Preferences Predict COVID-19 Vaccination Intentions and Behavior
Silvia Angerer, Helena Antonie Baier, Daniela Glätzle-Rützler, Philipp Lergetporer, and Thomas Rittmannsberger

MPPE No. 01/2025 (January)


Trapped in Poverty: The Impact of Large-Scale Land Acquisitions on Education. A Geospatial Approach
Ben-Amon Kosbab

MPPE No. 04/2024 (August)


Discrimination in the general population
Silvia Angerer, Hanna Brosch, Daniela Glätzle-Rützler, Philipp Lergetporer and Thomas Rittmannsberger

MPPE No. 03/2024 (May)


Formula-based Grants as Pork Barrel Politics: Targetability and the Politicalstrategic Use of Grants
Søren Frank Etzerodt and Niels Jørgen Mau Pedersen

MPPE No. 02/2024 (February)


Does Information about Inequality and Discrimination in Early Child Care Affect Policy Preferences?
Hennig Hermes, Philipp Lergetporer, Fabian Mierisch, Guido Schwerdt, and Simon Wiederhold

MPPE No. 01/2024 (January)


Automatability of occupations, workers’ labor-market expectations, and willingness to train
Philipp Lergetporer, Katharina Wedel, and Katharina Werner

MPPE No. 07/2023 (December)


The E-Word – On the Public Acceptance of Experiments
Mira Fischer, Elisabeth Grewenig, Philipp Lergetporer, Katharina Werner, and Helen Zeidler

MPPE No. 06/2023 (October)


Public support for more ambitious climate policies
Sebastian Goerg, Andreas Pondorfer, and Valentina Stöhr

MPPE No. 05/2023 (October)


Greenwashing your personality
Fabienne Cantner, Christoph Drobner, and Sebastian J. Goerg

MPPE No. 04/2023 (June)


Compliance in the Public versus the Private Realm: Economic Preferences, Institutional Trust and COVID-19 Health Behaviors
Henrike Sternberg, Janina Isabel Steinert, and Tim Büthe

MPPE No. 03/2023 (May)


Transparency and Policy Competition: Experimental Evidence from German Citizens and Politicians
Sebastian Blesse, Philipp Lergetporer, Justus Nover, and Katharina Werner

MPPE No. 02/2023 (March)


Beliefs about social norms and (the polarization of) COVID-19 vaccination readiness
Silvia Angerer, Daniela Glätzle-Rützler, Philipp Lergetporer, and Thomas Rittmannsberger

MPPE No. 01/2023 (January)


Early Child Care and Labor Supply of Lower-SES Mothers: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Henning Hermes, Marina Krauß, Philipp Lergetporer, Frauke Peter, Simon Wiederhold

MPPE No. 07/2022 (December)


The Care-Dependent are Less Averse to Care Robots: Comparing Intuitions of the Affected and the Non-Affected
Manuela Schönmann, Anja Bodenschatz, Matthias Uhl, and Gari Walkowitz

MPPE No. 06/2022 (October)


Climate protection in Germany: Party cues in a multi-party system
Valentina Stöhr

MPPE No. 05/2022 (August)


Norms as Obligations
Leonard Hoeft, Michael Kurschilgen, and Wladislaw Mill

MPPE No. 04/2022 (July)


Robot Adoption and Innovation Activities
Davide Antonioli, Alberto Marzucchi, Francesco Rentocchini, and Simone Vannuccini

MPPE No. 03/2022 (April; last revised: December 2023)


How does the vaccine approval procedure affect COVID-19 vaccination intentions?
Silvia Angerer, Daniela Glätzle-Rützler, Philipp Lergetporer, and Thomas Rittmannsberger

MPPE No. 02/2022 (March)


Income Contingency and the Electorate’s Support for Tuition
Philipp Lergetporer and Ludger Woessmann

MPPE No. 01/2022 (February)


Motivated Belief Updating and Rationalization of Information.
Christoph Drobner and Sebastian J. Goerg

MPPE No. 09/2021 (December)


Moral awareness polarizes people’s fairness judgments.
Michael Kurschilgen

MPPE No. 08/2021 (November)


Digitalisation of Production: Industrial Additive Manufacturing and its Implications for Competition and Social Welfare.
Julian Schwierzy

MPPE No. 07/2021 (November)


Behavioral Barriers and the Socioeconomic Gap in Child Care Enrollment.
Henning Hermes, Philipp Lergetporer, Frauke Peter, and Simon Wiederhold

MPPE No. 06/2021 (September)


The formation of risk preferences through small-scale events.
Silvia Angerer, E. Glenn Dutcher, Daniela Glätzle-Rützler, Philipp Lergetporer, and Matthias Sutter

MPPE No. 05/2021 (September)


Telementoring and homeschooling during school closures:
A randomized experiment in rural Bangladesh.

Hashibul Hassan, Asad Islam, Abu Siddique, and Liang Choon Wang

MPPE No. 04/2021 (August)


Technological Sovereignty as Ability, not Autarky.
Christoph March, and Ina Schieferdecker

MPPE No. 03/2021 (June)


Improving Women’s Mental Health During a Pandemic.
Michael Vlassopoulos, Abu Siddique, Tabassum Rahman, Debayan Pakrashi, Asad Islam, and Firoz Ahmed

MPPE No. 02/2021 (May)


Behavioral Consequences of Religious Education.
Abu Siddique

MPPE No. 01/2021 (February)


Raising COVID-19 Awareness in Rural Communities: A Randomized Experiment in Bangladesh and India.
Abu Siddique, Tabassum Rahman, Debayan Pakrashi, Asad Islam, and Firoz Ahmed

MPPE No. 09/2020 (December)


Do rights to resistance discipline the elites? An experiment on the threat of overthrow.
Konstantin Chatziathanasiou, Svenja Hippel, and Michael Kurschilgen

MPPE No. 08/2020 (November)


Motivated Beliefs and Anticipation of Uncertainty Resolution.
Christoph Drobner

MPPE No. 07/2020 (November)


Heterogeneity, Leveling the Playing Field, and Affirmative Action in Contests.
Subhasish Chowdhury, Patricia Esteve-González, and Anwesha Mukherjee

MPPE No. 06/2020 (October)


Unravelling the ‘race to the bottom’ argument: How does FDI affect different types of labour rights?
Luca Messerschmidt, and Nicole Janz

MPPE No. 05/2020 (October)


Commitment or Concealment? Impacts and Use of a Portable Saving Device: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Urban India.
Janina Isabel Steinert, Rucha Vasumati Satish, Felix Stips, and Sebastian Vollmer

MPPE No. 04/2020 (September)


Division of Labor in R&D? Firm Size and Specialization in Corporate Research.
Annette Becker, Hanna Hottenrott, and Anwesha Mukherjee

MPPE No. 03/2020 (September)


Property, Redistribution, and the Status Quo. A laboratory study.
Konstantin Chatziathanasiou, Svenja Hippel, and Michael Kurschilgen

MPPE No. 02/2020 (September)


Political Ownership
Timm Betz, and Amy Pond

MPPE No. 01/2020 (August)


Area of responsibility

