Category Beyond Books & Browsers
24 July 2023

Bavarian Minister of Justice teaches at Technical University of Munich

Tag Business

Bavarian Minister of Justice teaches at Technical University of Munich

The Bavarian Minister of Justice, Georg Eisenreich, teaches the seminar "Corporate Criminal Law and Compliance" at TUM since the winter semester 2019/20.

"Our students benefit from the first-hand experience of our State Minister, who has in-depth knowledge of the legal system and can provide valuable insights into various aspects of business law," says Dean Professor Gunther Friedl.

Ultimately, we also provide our students with a high-quality opportunity to discuss their questions with the Minister. The course is offered every semester and includes a visit to a prison in Munich. Students are given a guided tour of the prison facilities. This is followed by a discussion with State Minister Eisenreich, whose ministry is responsible for the prison system in Bavaria.

The seminar provides TUM School of Management students with an overview of German white-collar criminal law and its relevance to corporate compliance requirements.

It includes topics such as fraud, embezzlement, insolvency and accounting law, corruption offenses, competition offenses, criminal tax law, examination of economic facts with regard to their criminal law relevance, current political issues in the development of white-collar criminal law, and compliance.

 Georg Eisenreich has been a member of the Bavarian Parliament since 2003. Before becoming Bavarian State Minister of Justice, he held the position of Bavarian State Minister for Digital Affairs, Media, and Europe. Georg Eisenreich studied law at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and worked as a lawyer in Munich.

We highly appreciate the Minister's presence at TUM and thank him for his contribution.